

Guard your time jealously and don’t give up each minute; seek knowledge greedily, and try to acquire every bit of it.
對時間要吝嗇, 莫放鬆分分秒秒;對知識要貪心, 要爭取點點滴滴。

Book are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; Wisdom without books is like a wingless bird.
----Britain/William Shakespere
書籍是全世界的營養品。 生活裡沒有書籍, 就好像沒有陽光, 智慧沒有書籍, 就好像鳥兒沒有翅膀。 ----英‧莎士比亞

Knowledge is like a fishing net; the wilder and stronger it is, the more fish it catches.
----Mexican proverb
知識像一張魚網, 魚網愈寬愈牢, 網住的魚就愈多。 ----墨西哥諺語

Thinking is strength. The door of wisdom is to be opened by the key of thinking.
思想就是力量。 智慧之門, 要用思索的鑰匙打開。

Humility is not only an ornament, but also the guard of virtue.
----U.S.A/Thomas Alva Edison
謙遜不僅是一種裝飾品, 也是美德的護衛。 ----美‧愛迪生

Wisdom is a gemstone. If set with modesty it will be more brilliant.
----Former Soviet Union/Maxim Gorky
智慧是寶石, 如果用謙虛鑲邊, 就會更加燦爛奪目。

Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. ----the Analects
己所不欲, 勿施於人。 ----論語

Foolishness and arrogance are fruits of the same tree. ----Germany proverb
驕傲是愚蠢的親戚。 ----德國諺語

Only if beauty is integrated with modesty can it deserve the name. Beauty without modesty is not beautiful but, at most, good-looking.
----U.S.A/Thomas Alva Edison
美麗只有和謙虛結合, 才配稱為美麗。 沒有謙虛的美麗, 不是美麗, 只是好看。

Only wisdom and friendship can light up our advance in darkness.
----France/Romain Rolland
智慧、友愛, 這是照亮我們黑夜的惟一光亮。 ----法‧羅曼‧羅蘭

Don’t make friends by presenting gifts. You have to contribute your faithful love and learn how to gain a friend in proper ways. ----Ancient Greece/Socrates
不要靠餽贈去獲得朋友。 你須貢獻你誠摯的愛, 學會怎樣用正當的方法來贏得一個人的心。 ----古希臘‧蘇格拉底

The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.
----U.S.A/Robert Greet Ingersoll
世間對勇氣最大考驗是敗而不餒。 ----美‧英格索爾

It is wrong to doubt of the existence of blue sky and rosy clouds by judging from the first flight in storms and black clouds.
不能因為第一次飛翔遇到了烏雲風暴, 從此就懷疑沒有藍天彩霞。

Don’t doubt of the existence of oasis of life when you are in a desert. Life is not always in sunshine.
不要一遇沙漠, 就懷疑生命的綠洲。 生活永遠不會一帆風順。

Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. ----U.S.A/Louis Strong
與其咒罵黑暗, 不如燃起一隻明燭。 ----美‧路易斯.斯特朗

Life is beautiful! We should not hang our heads in dismay! Let’s advance bravely!
----Dunmark/Hans Christian Anderson
生命是美麗的!我們不要老垂著頭!勇敢地前進吧! ----丹麥‧安徒生

A moment of time is worth a thread of gold; a thread of gold can’t buy a moment of time. ---- Chinese proverb
一吋光陰一寸金, 寸金難買吋光陰。 ----中國諺語

If you don’t plough and till it, time will quietly propagate moss, which will grow throughout the yard of your life and bury you all your life. ---- Chinese proverb
時間, 你不開拓它, 它就悄悄長出青苔, 爬上你生命的庭院, 把你一生掩埋。
